The Art of Lynn Marie Dwyer
prepare to meet your inner child
Epona’s Ride
Filled with Symbolism, this piece represents the Celtic Goddess Epona, on her white horse/carriage ride home. Her clothing has absorbed each of her flowing chakral energy colors. She holds the vessel of the universe on her lap. Spirit (crow) stays close to her, and the sun represents her light, and ability to befriend all the…
When your Solar Plexus is a Solar System
This is a fun piece. The Goddess Morrigan, a celtic mythological warrior, great Queen. She was closely connected to Epona, who shows up in another piece. She has a crow for hair, and her solar plexus is wide open, and inside is one (of what I’m sure is infinite solar systems). I made sure…
My ETSY Store
Etsy is just a place I sell some of my easy to ship items, in case you can’t visit one of the local stores, please shop ETSY, Favorite my Shop to keep seeing new items when they are listed. [etsy-shop shop_name=”LynnMoreThanMudpies” section_id=”24109818″]
The Latest Works …
About Me
Hi, I’m Lynn Marie Dwyer, and I am a mixed-media artist working primarily in clay. I love to capture motion in my art – I love a variety of perspectives… texture: metal with clay contrasting the strong with the fragile – alternative-firing processes creating new effects…. I’m always trying something different. I specialize in handbuilt…
Rv Tiny Home Project
So Wow. I put it on my vision board and here it is. And it’s wicked sweet. The folks who had this took such great care of it, so everything I do is mainly going to be just updating it and making it efficient enough to live in. A challenge. I know it. For the…
The Exquisite Risk
After reading my friend’s post on Facebook today about a book that changed her life, I was reminded about a book that changed mine. It inspired me to write about it. About nine years ago, I was about to turn forty, and I was riddled with fear about dying. I had this idea most of…
don’t be such a cry baby
Oh Lord everything is making me cry these days. I would tell you it’s the movies I’m watching, but that wouldn’t be the truth. It’s more likely pre-menopausal crap that I have no control over without taking some kind of hormone replacement, or worse. I ride the wave, I let it flow. Maybe I haven’t…
Can you come out and play?
it’s a funny thing, when I post pics of me working, typically at a kitchen table, while all kinds of things are being created, bags of clay everywhere, tools thrown about, a real mess; the most common response i get is “I want to come play!”. I’ve heard this for years. It makes me laugh…
Clay “Paper” dolls
I used to spend hours with paper dolls. changing outfits on flat, lifeless doll shapes… They seem silly, but there is something real creative about them. These are a ceramic version of those flat dolls. They are colorful and fun, hang from white cotton cord, ready for a window, a wall or a mobile. Their…